How does sending e-invoices in Xero work?
The sender creates an invoice
in Xero
The invoice is sent via the secure Peppol network
The customer sees the invoice within their accounting system, ready to be approved and paid

Xero is Peppol
e-invoicing ready
online accounting software
Xero connects to the Peppol E-invoicing network in Singapore to speed up your invoicing process. It also helps you get paid faster and helps with having healthier cash flow for your business.

How does sending e-invoices in Xero work?
The sender creates an invoice
in Xero
The invoice is sent via the secure Peppol network
The customer sees the invoice within their accounting system, ready to be approved and paid

What is Peppol
Peppol Electronic invoicing (or E-invoicing) is the ability to send an invoice digitally between the accounting systems of business suppliers and buyers. Unlike sending a PDF file or online invoice via email, the invoice is automatically sent to a buyer’s accounting system through a secure network. So there’s no need for the business to manually handle the invoice. It also works if the two accounting systems are different, because an international standard (Peppol) allows these systems to ‘speak’ to each other.
Get S$200 with the E-invoicing Registration Grant (ERG)
The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) of Singapore announced the E-Invoicing Registration Grant that provides businesses with a one-time payment of S$200 (terms and conditions apply) upon first registration to the Peppol network.
Step 1: Ensure your business is incorporated on or before 25 March 2020
Step 2: Sign up for Xero’s Peppol-ready online accounting software
Step 3: Register your business on the Peppol network before 31 December 2020 - just follow these simple instructions.
Step 4: That’s it! You’ll receive a one-time payment of SS$200 (per UEN) from IMDA.

What are the benefits of E-invoicing to business owners like me?
Invoices won't get lost
in the mail
E-invoicing ensures invoices are received directly in the other party’s accounting system, so they won’t get lost in the post or in your customer’s email folder.
Less admin work = more time saved
When you use Xero’s Peppol-ready online accounting software and register on the Peppol network, the e-invoices you receive appear automatically as a draft bill, in Xero, for you to approve. This eliminates the need for manual data entry, and reduces the risk of errors.
Get paid faster
When you make it easier for your customers to pay you by using
E-invoicing and issuing invoices with Xero’s online invoicing feature, you can get paid faster. Xero customers that issue online invoices (and include a payment option) enjoy a 43% reduction in average debtor days from 2015 to 2018 (Source: Xero internal data).
Register for E-invoicing in minutes
Step 2
Click "Allow access" and choose the Xero organisation to connect to Invoici from Storecove.
Step 3
Invoici collects organisational information from your Xero organisation. Review this information and ensure that a unique company identifier is entered in the appropriate field. This should be your organisation’s UEN (Unique Entity Number).
Step 4
Once you’re happy the information is correct, tick the checkboxes and click Confirm Details. You’ll see confirmation that your Xero organisation is now connected to the Peppol e-invoicing network.
All info featured on this page is extracted from Xero's Peppol page.
For more information on Xero's Peppol program, visit Xero Peppol Invoicing.